BBC Television Picture Book
Looking at the technology and output of BBCtv from 1930 to 1950

Kenny Everett
The nation's favourite radio and telly prankster remembered

Music in the night
Behind the scenes at Radio Luxembourg in 1965

Other archives
Broadcasting not your thing? Visit Retropia, Transdiffusion's huge archive of social history

The BBC Television story
The BBC celebrates twenty years of television in 1956
Network USA
Printed advertisements for US television stations from the 1940s, 50s and 60s
News title cards
Screencaps and title cards from news programmes around the world
Today’s TV magazine cover
TVTimes, Radio Times, Television Weekly, TVWorld... a different cover from a day in history
‘Fusion’ covers
The amazing art of Associated-Rediffusion and Rediffusion London's staff magazine
The Granada archive
A gallery of all things Granada
Letters from broadcasters
Dear Television... Love, Transdiffusion. And their replies
An ident a day
A gallery of television idents
Independent Local Radio
A gallery of sights and sounds from ILR
The Valiant Man
Rediffusion looks at both the technical and ceremonial as the nation holds Winston Churchill's funeral
ITA Transmitters: 1969
Maps of the VHF coverage of the ITA's transmitters and the proposed UHF service areas
The ITV 1963 Yearbook
The full ITV 1963 yearbook, with programmes, transmitters and companies explained
This is ABC Weekend
ABC, your weekend TV in the north and midlands 1956-1968
The ITV Story
A look back, from 1965, at the events of 1955
The ITA Audience in 1972
The facts and figures of who was watching ITV in 1972
ATV Sunspots
An innovative new way to sell holidays on ATV in the Midlands
Who does what in ITV in 1973?
The Independent Broadcasting Authority explains who does what in ITV in this booklet from 1973
This is Thames
In-depth into Thames Television, London's weekday ITV 1968-1992
This is ATV Network
Behind the scenes at ATV
This is Rediffusion
Inside Associated-Rediffusion and Rediffusion, London, 1955-1968
This is Channel TV
Take a look around the baby of the ITV network – Channel Television
ITV in 1959
The Independent Television Authority explains who does what in ITV in 1959
Kenny Everett
The nation's favourite radio and telly prankster remembered
ITA Colour
Colour… UHF… 625… Duplication… What the viewer needs to know in 1969
The International Television Federation of documentary makers, 1960-1968
Rediffusion ’64
All about the relaunch of Associated-Rediffusion as Rediffusion, London in April 1964
This is the EBU
Your guide to international broadcasting in Europe in 1962
10 years of Rediffusion for schools
Rediffusion looks back at its contribution to educational television
Marconi Mobile Television
In city, town or country, Marconi Outside Broadcast equipment is the toast of 1954
ABC’s religious training scheme
Inside ABC Television's 1959 training scheme for religious leaders who want to appear on ITV
Thorn EMI Videodiscs
The future is here: Thorn EMI new Videodisc technology - VHD - explained
Music in the night
Behind the scenes at Radio Luxembourg in 1965
Introducing Radio Caroline
The most famous 'pirate' radio station introduces itself in 1964
Inside Radio Luxembourg
The studios and transmitters of Radio Luxembourg in detail
Teledu yng ngwlad y gȃn
TWW celebrates its contribution to Welsh culture in this bilingual website. Mae TWW yn dathlu ei gyfraniad i ddiwylliant Cymru yn y wefan ddwyieithog hon.
The Border discovered
Facts and figures about the unusual Border Television region
Harlech’s first year
Accepting the challenge: Harlech rate themselves after a year on air
Southern Success
Southern Television is about to expand into the south-east and explains to viewers and advertisers who they are and what they do
ATV Centre
The Birmingham Post celebrates the opening of the new ATV Centre in 1970 with a special pull-out supplement
Granada TV, Manchester 3
Granada's TV studios in Manchester, in depth
This is Alpha
The home of ABC and ATV in the midlands in the 1950s and 60s
TWW’s unique top floor
Inside TWW's studios
Rediffusion’s studios
Television House and Wembley
BBC Television Picture Book
Looking at the technology and output of BBCtv from 1930 to 1950
The BBC Television story
The BBC celebrates twenty years of television in 1956
25 years of British broadcasting
The BBC celebrates its silver jubilee in 1947
Hints on receiving BBC radio in 1951
BBC Engineering tells you how to get the best from your radio when you listen to the Home Service, the Light Programme and the Third Programme
Broadcasting in the West
From 1949, the BBC looks at how it serves its most diverse radio region - the West of England
Broadcasting House
The opening of the new home of the BBC, Broadcasting House in London
Richard Dimbleby – Broadcaster
The voice of the BBC, Richard Dimbleby, in his own words and in the words of his friends and colleagues
TWW/Teledu Cymru archives
Transdiffusion for researchers: source material for Television Wales and West and for Wales (West and North) Television
Rediffusion printed archives
Printed and written archives from Associated-Rediffusion and Rediffusion London
Routine Sheets Database
Our database of daily presentation logs and camera scripts
History Of Scottish Television – STV
A group to talk about Scottish Television
History of satellite TV: Sky,BSB+Astra
Memories of the channels and presentation of the channels on the Astra satellite family
Transdiffusion All Talk : Broadcasting History
A place to talk about everything TV and radio related
History of Sport on British TV
The Big Match, World of Sport, Scotsport, Sportsnight, Grandstand... the presentation of sport on TV is discussed here
History of Grampian Television
From the very far north, here's where you can remember Grampian
Craolacháin in Éirinn – TV in Ireland
RTE, TV3, TnaG, UTV, there's so much to talk about in this group devoted to television in Ireland
History of the BBC News Division
Discuss the look of BBC TV News across the years
History of Channel 4 & S4C since 1982
The much-anticipated Fourth UHF Channel(s) are discussed here
History of BBC tv Nations+Regions
Join us to talk about the look and feel of BBCtv presentation across the years
History of ITV Regional & National resources
About Anglia, Northern Life, ATV Today, Three after Six, Thames Today, Westward Diary... the place to remember your regional news programme
History Of Channel Television
The baby of the class: talk about Channel Television here
My 1960s
If you remember it, you weren't there. We beg to differ
Adverts group
If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our group
History of Independent Local Radio(UK)
The group for fans of Independent Local Radio from 1973 until today
ABC Weekend TV North+Midland
Your weekend TV in the north and midlands 1956-1968: come remember the masters of ITV
Welsh TV History: TWW, WWN /Teledu Cymru, HARLECH, HTV, BBC Wales (Not S4C)
Did you grow up in and around Wales in the 1960s? This group remembers TWW, Teledu Cymru, HTV Cymru/Wales and BBC Wales
History of BBC radio
From 2LO to DAB, from the National Programme to Radio 1Xtra... come talk about BBC radio
History of A-R and Rediffusion London
Associated-Rediffusion and Rediffusion, London: the capital's weekday choice from 1955 to 1968
History of breakfast TV In the UK
Breakfast Time, TV-am, GMTV, RI:SE... all of breakfast television is discussed in this group
History Of HTV West, Harlech TV General Service, TWW Channel 10 & ITV West
Love HTV West? Remember the HTV General Service? Did you watch TWW on Channel 10? Have we got a group for you!
History:Worldwide TV+Radio Resources
RTF, ARD, NOS, TVE, RAI... the group for discussion of all things international
History of Independent Television News
Talking about the on-screen look and personalities of Independent Television News
History of Anglia Television from 1959
The knight and the flag: discuss Anglia Television here
Our sound archive... well, about 2% of it (so far)
Transdiffusion on Tumblr
A running log of all of our output, plus archive items of interest
Spotify playlist
Listen here to a selection of the best broadcasting tunes
Other archives
Broadcasting not your thing? Visit Retropia, Transdiffusion's huge archive of social history
Zenith: 1964 – the year everything changed
Our guide to 1964: the year everything in British culture changed
Our main website, packed to the gills with over 3,000 articles about every aspect of broadcasting history
This is My 1950s
The social history of the 1950s – what we bought, what we watched, who we loved
This is My 1960s
We grew up in the 1960s... and loved every minute of it!